• Resilience Through Education for Democratic Citizenship

    Resilience Through Education for Democratic Citizenship

The Project





to identify, evaluate and disseminate innovative methods for democratic competences of teachers, social workers and trainers (NGOs) who work with young people with the aim of strengthening resilience against radicalisation and anti-democratic extremism.

FH Salzburg University
of Applied Sciences

Les Militants des Savoirs

Institute of Public Affairs Warsaw

Vienna Forum
for Democracy and Human Rights

WP 1: Analysis of curricula
WP 2: Workshops
WP 3: Trainings
WP 4: Dissemination 

Our results will be published here.


The project aims at strengthening the democratic competences of social and youth workers and young people. 

 Overall objective

The project aims to identify, evaluate and disseminate innovative methods for democratic competences of teachers, social workers and trainers (NGOs) who work with young people with the aim of strengthening resilience against radicalisation and anti-democratic extremism.

 Specific objectives

We want to bring together university teachers, trainers and social workers who work with young people outside the school environment, with the aim of further developing their competences for democratic culture (CDC), knowledge on human rights and intercultural dialogue contributing in this way to a higher resilience to radicalisation and extremism among social/youth workers and young people.

 Outputs/expected results

Country reports on the status of implementation of the Reference Framework of Competences for Democratic Culture (RFCDC) will be prepared by analysing curricula in the participating countries (one report per country: Austria, France and Poland).

A methodology to strengthen resilience against conspiracy theories, hate speech, anti-democratic radicalisation and extremism will be developed.

Testing of innovative approaches to strengthen resilience against conspiracy theories, hate speech, anti-democratic radicalisation and extremism will be carried out.

An assessment of innovative approaches to strengthen resilience against conspiracy theories, hate speech, anti-democratic radicalisation and extremism will be made.

A handbook for university teachers and social workers will be developed to provide guidance and tools for teaching democratic skills and for strengthening resilience to radicalisation

Training sessions, roundtables and conferences

Two-day training sessions will be held in the participating countries. Peer-to-peer activities will be carried out.

Roundtables with experts involved in the project and experts from the school sector and from social work in schools will be organised.

A final conference to showcase the results and impact of the project will be organised in Strasbourg gathering key stakeholders and participants involved in the project.


FH Salzburg

FH Salzburg is the Lead Partner in the project.

Les Militants des Savoirs

Les Militants des Savoirs is an Association from Toulouse.

Institute of Public Affairs

The Institute of Public Affairs Warsaw is an association from Poland.

Vienna Forum for Democracy and Human Rights

The Vienna Forum for Human Rights and Democracy


Image Bild Patricia Hladschik

Markus Pausch  

Rasha Nagem 

Filip Pazderski 

Patricia Hladschik 

Salzburg University of Applied Science

Les Militants des Savoirs Toulouse

Institute of Public Affairs Warsaw Vienna Forum for Democracy and Human Rights
Séraphin Alava – The Conversation Team & Kontakt | Soziale Arbeit (Bachelor) | FH Salzburg Aleksandra Kobylińska Team & Kontakt | Soziale Arbeit (Bachelor) | FH Salzburg
Séraphin Alava  Katrin Rossmann Aleksandra Kobylinska  Heiko Berner 
Les Militants des Savoirs Toulouse Salzburg University of Applied Science Institute of Public Affairs Warsaw Salzburg University of Applied Sciences
Forschungsteam | Soziale Arbeit, Soziale Innovation und Gesellschaft | FH  Salzburg Team & Kontakt | Soziale Arbeit (Bachelor) | FH Salzburg Nikolai Weber  
Annika Pattis  Nedzad Mocevic  Nikolai Weber   
Salzburg University of Applied Sciences Salzburg University of Applied Sciences Vienna Forum for Democracy and Human Rights  




  • REDE trainings

    REDE trainings

    The REDE project also involves training in each country. In France, they are provided via our partners "Militants des Savoirs" The training was on :

    From conspiracy theory to radicalisation: how to prevent? or Secularism, Republican values and citizenship


Here you can find useful links and information for
democratic citizenship education and resilience against anti-democratic phenomena.